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Synology Bee 系列

Release Notes for File Station

File Station 是 Synology NAS 的集中化文件管理工具。通过 File Station,您可管理和搜索文件/文件夹、查看各类文件、与外部用户共享专有文件、安装远程文件夹和虚拟设备以供访问,还可进行更多管理!

Version: 1.4.2-1575



  1. "由于大多数终端设备已支持 HEVC (H.265) 编解码,File Station 将停止支持通过 Advanced Media Extension (AME) 在 Synology NAS 上产生 HEIC / HEIF 缩略图及预览,以降低服务器端的负载及非必要的资源使用量。 请参阅此篇文章以了解替代方法。


  1. File Station 1.4.2 需搭配 DSM 7.2.2 以及以上版本。


  1. 修正了关于 XSS 的安全性问题。

Version: 1.4.1-1559



  1. 此更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区的实际发布时间可能略有不同。


  1. 修正使用者无法透过 Gofile 下载档案的问题。
  2. 修正其他问题及提升稳定性。

Version: 1.4.0-1555



  1. 默认启用“通过 QuickConnect 分享链接时总是使用 HTTPS”以提升安全性。


  1. File Station 1.4.0 须搭配 DSM 7.2 及以上版本。


  1. 新增基于单写多读 (WORM) 技术的 WriteOnce 功能,此功能可限制指定时间内 WriteOnce 共用文件夹中文件的修改、删除、重新命名。
  2. 提升软件包的效能及稳定性。


  1. 修复在资源回收筒中搜索可能会导致非预期错误的问题。
  2. 修正多项安全漏洞 (CVE-2022-46175、CVE-2022-35252)。

Version: 1.4.0-1552



  1. 默认启用“通过 QuickConnect 分享链接时总是使用 HTTPS”以提升安全性。


  1. File Station 1.4.0 须搭配 DSM 7.2 及以上版本。


  1. 新增基于单写多读 (WORM) 技术的 WriteOnce 功能,此功能可限制指定时间内 WriteOnce 共用文件夹中文件的修改、删除、重新命名。
  2. 提升软件包的效能及稳定性。


  1. 修复在资源回收筒中搜索可能会导致非预期错误的问题。
  2. 修正多项安全漏洞 (CVE-2022-46175、CVE-2022-35252)。

Version: 1.3.4-1404



  1. 此更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区的实际发布时间可能略有不同。


  1. 修正了缩略图可能无法正确显示的问题。
  2. 修正了回收站内的文件可能会无法还原的问题。

Version: 1.3.3-1399



  1. 支持 Advanced Media Extensions (AME) 2.0.0, 可预览 HEIC 格式的图片。 了解更多

Version: 1.3.2-1397



  1. 此套件更新预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区实际发布时间可能略有不同。


  1. 支援让管理员透过右键菜单清空「#recycle」资料夹的资源回收筒。
  2. 支援让管理员透过右键菜单将「#recycle」资料夹中的档案或资料夹还原至原始路径。


  1. 修正自订分享连结页面的页尾讯息若过长可能会无法显示的问题。
  2. 修正若未储存即关闭建立分享连结或档案请求视窗,仍可能产生分享连结的问题。
  3. 提升上传图片时转换为略缩图的效能。
  4. 修正有关 TLS 的安全性问题。

Version: 1.3.1-1382



  1. 此套件预计在数日内发布至所有地区,但各地区的实际发布时间可能略有不同。


  1. 新增支持管理员隐藏或显示右键菜单中的特定功能。
  2. 新增支援管理员隐藏或显示右键选单中的特定功能。


  1. 修正了用户通过手机上传文件至 DSM 7.0 的 File Station 别名网址可能会失败的问题。
  2. 修正了在照片查看器中无法旋转 .jpeg 文件的问题。
  3. 修正了若文件名称包含反斜杠,将无法在 Mac 上正确显示的问题。

Version: 1.3.0-1378



  1. 更新套件以支持 DSM 7.0。
  2. 如想在 File Station 预览新增的 HEIC 文件,请至套件中心安装 Advanced Media Extensions。


  1. 支持通过 Hyper Backup 备份及还原文件的共享链接、连接列表、装载列表、以及应用程序设置。
  2. 调整共享链接的页面布局,以提升用户的浏览及使用体验。

Version: 1.2.8-0293



  1. 若要在 File Station 预览新增的 HEIC 档案,请至 DSM 6.2.4 以上版本的套件中心安装 Advanced Media Extensions。


1.修正可能无法在共享文件夹的子文件夹中搜索文件内文的问题。 2.修正用户在浏览 HEIC 文件时,可能无法切换图片的问题。 3.将 Audio Station 升级至 6.5.6 版本,可修正在 File Station 内编辑音乐信息可能会导致其内嵌的专辑封面被删除的问题。

Version: 1.2.7-0285


Bug Fixed

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-20:28).
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.2.6-0282


Bug fixed

  1. Fixed the issue where DSM users cannot download internally shared files.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.2.6-0281


Important Note

  1. The update is expected to be available in all regions within the next few days. The actual time of release may vary slightly depending on the region.

What's New

  1. Supports the display of file size calculation progress in folder properties.

Bug fixed

  1. Fixed the issue where downloading files on Firefox 67 might fail.
  2. Fixed the issue where previewing HEIC files might fail.
  3. Fixed the issue where uploading files over 10MB to mounted OneDrive directory might fail.

Version: 1.2.5-0269

  1. Support customized date and time format.
  2. Support preview for files in HEVC and HEIC format.
  3. Improve the performance when loading thumbnail images.
  4. Photo Editor by Aviary is no longer supported.
  5. Fixed the issue where folders can't be dragged and dropped properly using Microsoft Edge.

Version: 1.2.4-0255

  1. Fixed an issue where downloading folders via “gofile” sharing links on a mobile Safari browser might fail.

  2. Fixed an issue where uploading a non-empty folder via Firefox 61.0 or versions above might fail.

  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.6-0126

  1. Fixed an issue where downloading folders via “gofile” sharing links on a mobile Safari browser might fail.

  2. Fixed an issue where uploading a non-empty folder via Firefox 61.0 or versions above might fail.

Version: 1.2.3-0252

  1. Supports selecting multiple users or groups to edit the ACL settings in Shared Folder.

  2. Optimized the user interface in Thai language.

  3. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:35).

Version: 1.1.5-0125


Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:35).

Version: 1.2.2-0250

  1. Thai user interface is now available.
  2. Optimized efficiency of resource consumption when generating photo preview.

Version: 1.1.4-0123


Optimized the resource usage efficiency when a thumbnail is generated.

Version: 1.2.2-0246

  1. Fixed an issue where paging of “Links Shared with Me” in “Shared Links Manager” might not work properly.
  2. Fixed an issue where mounting Google Drive on File Station might fail when Google Chrome version 63 is used.
  3. Fixed an issue where TIFF and TIF files might fail to display on photo viewer and in thumbnail mode.
  4. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:09).
  5. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.4-0122

  1. Fixed an issue where TIFF and TIF files might fail to display on photo viewer and in thumbnail mode.
  2. Fixed a security vulnerability (Synology-SA-18:09).
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.3-0120

  • Fixed an issue where paging of “Links Shared with Me” in “Shared Links Manager” might not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where mounting Google Drive on File Station might fail when Google Chrome version 63 is used.
  • Minor bug fixes.

The following feature requires DSM 6.1.5 or above:

  • Supports selecting multiple users or groups to edit the ACL settings in Shared Folder.

Version: 1.2.1-0228

  1. Fixed an issue where 7z files encrypted with Chinese passwords might fail to be unzipped.
  2. Fixed an issue where using WebDAV with IPv6 address for remote connection might cause file transfer to fail.
  3. Fixed an issue where file names in folders copied from GBK-encoded FTP file servers might be abnormal when the folders are unzipped.
  4. Added support for accounts with ACL admin privileges to a shared folder to modify user privileges of that folder.
  5. Fixed an issue where the task of copying files to a mounted Google Drive might not resume if interrupted.
  6. Fixed an issue where photos might not be successfully displayed as thumbnails or in photo viewers when users open DSM via the Chrome browser (with HTTP 2 enabled) and access ISO files or mounted devices through NFS/CIFS.
  7. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.2-0115

  1. Fixed an issue where 7z files encrypted with Chinese passwords might fail to be unzipped. 
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.1-0110

  • Fixed an issue where file names in folders copied from GBK-encoded FTP file servers might be abnormal when the folders are unzipped.
  • Added support for accounts with ACL admin privileges to a shared folder to modify user privileges of that folder.
  • Fixed an issue where the task of copying files to a mounted Google Drive might not resume if interrupted.
  • Fixed an issue where photos might not be successfully displayed as thumbnails or in photo viewers when users open DSM via the Chrome browser (with HTTP 2 enabled) and access ISO files or mounted devices through NFS/CIFS. 
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.2.0-0218

  1. Enhanced the package’s ability to compress images by adjusting the thumbnail formats of large image files.
  2. Updated the OneDrive API from Live API 5.0 to Graph API 1.0.
  3. Fixed an issue where search results might be inaccurate when data search is performed in indexed folders using Last Accessed as the criterion.
  4. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding libsoup HTTP client (CVE-2017-2885).
  5. Fixed an issue where file download tasks executed via Firefox connections from the File Station alias portal might fail when the portal is enabled and Web Station is stopped. 
  6. Fixed an issue where search results might be inaccurate when advanced search is performed in folders that contain spaces in their names.
  7. Fixed an issue where background tasks might be cleared when File Station is opened for the first time after user login.
  8. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.1-0103

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding libsoup HTTP client (CVE-2017-2885).
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.1-0099


Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.1-0095

  1. Added an option for viewing images in original size.
  2. Fixed an issue where viewing images in a mounted ISO folder might fail.
  3. Fixed an issue where folders on a remotely-connected FTP server might not show up correctly.
  4. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.0-0075

  1. Added a setting that allows specific groups to share file links and file request links.
  2. Supports showing thumbnails for more camera RAW file formats.
  3. Enhanced search performance.
  4. Enhanced thumbnail loading performance.
  5. Fixed an issue where connecting to a Nextcloud server via WebDAV might fail.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.0.2-0049

  1. Fixed an issue where browsing numerous image thumbnails might cause high CPU usage.
  2. Fixed an issue where uploading files with Firefox 52.0 might fail.
  3. Minors bugs fixes.

Version: 1.0.1-0046


Fixed an issue where using Safari and DS file to browse video thumbnails on File Station might cause abnormal traffic and high CPU usage.

Version: 1.0.0-0039

  1. Supports setting up shared link limit for specific users.
  2. Supports keeping both files when users upload/copy/move files that have same names with existing files.
  3. Minors bugs fixes.

Version: 1.0.0-0027



  1. 首次启用 EDS14 时,需手动安装 File Station。
  1. 支援以并排检视模式浏览档案。
  2. 支援以下拉式清单浏览历史,让历史资讯一目瞭然。
  3. 现可编辑档案路径,并于输入路径时支援自动完成,让您不费吹灰之力即可找到资料夹所在位置。
  4. 修正其他问题。