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Release Notes for Snapshot Replication

“Snapshot Replication”是用时间点机制进行数据备份和还原的套件。企业需要数据保护以防止因意外删除、应用程序崩溃、数据损毁和病毒所造成的数据丢失。

Version: 7.4.6-1699



  1. Snapshot Replication 7.4.6-1699 须搭配 DSM 7.2.2 及以上版本。


  1. 修正了具有不可变快照的共享文件夹在切换后可能发生异常的问题。

Version: 7.4.5-1698



  1. 修正了在恢复原厂设置时发生的不可变快照相关问题。
  2. 修正了在 Btrfs 储存空间建立的 LUN 上进行复写任务时,可能因为逾时而导致任务无法完成或停止的问题。

Version: 7.4.4-1694



  1. 支援复写 WriteOnce 共享文件夹于特定机种
  2. 支持建立不可变快照于特定机种。此功能是基于单写多读 (WORM) 技术。
  3. 支持在 Peta Volume 上安装 Snapshot Replication。


  1. 修正系统无法自动删除快照的问题。

Version: 7.4.2-1632



  1. 修正了目的地服务器误判正在进行 Hyper Backup 任务,而无法正常更新复写共享文件夹的问题。

Version: 7.3.4-1553



  1. 修正了若源服务器为 SA3200D 时,复制任务可能失败的问题。

Version: 7.4.0-1608



  1. 新增支持设置特定机型的同步执行任务数量以更妥善地配置系统资源。(了解更多)


  1. 修正了停止同步任务后,仍持续显示“正在复制”状态的问题。
  2. 修正了编辑复制任务时,可能意外退出登录 DSM 的问题。
  3. 修正了卸载套件时仅选择保留 LUN 快照及快照设置,却同时保留共享文件夹快照的问题。
  4. 修正了启用“复制计划拍摄的本地快照”选项时,复制任务可能失败的问题。

Version: 7.3.3-1552



  1. 修正了快照任务描述超过长度限制时,系统可能无法拍摄快照的问题。
  2. 修正了新增复制任务时,初始副本大小可能无法更新的问题。
  3. 调整了新增复制任务时,目标存储空间的排序。

Version: 7.3.2-1533



  1. 更新套件以支持 DSM 7.0。


  1. 提升设置快照保留策略的易用性,并新增可设置保留过去几天内所有快照的选项。

Version: 7.2.1-0607



  1. 修正复制任务失败后,可能无法正常执行下一次复制任务的问题。
  2. 修正其他問題。

Version: 7.2.0-0478


What's New

  1. Users can now customize when to transfer snapshots to the destination server to reduce the performance impact of replication tasks.
  2. Added support for replicating local scheduled snapshots to the destination server along with replication tasks. (Requires DSM 6.2.3.)

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where replicating shared folder snapshots to a local volume might fail.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 7.1.1-0447

  1. Fixed an issue where upgrading to 7.1.0-0445 may cause replication plans which had been created in 6.1.2-0173 or earlier versions to fail.

Version: 7.1.0-0445


What's new

  1. Added support for retention policy trigger time (available on DSM 6.2.2 or above).
  2. Added support for two-step verification for replication tasks.
  3. Added support for local replication tasks for iSCSI LUN.

Fixed issues

  1. Fixed an issue where taking snapshots may fail when other applications take snapshots at the same time with the same snapshot file name.
  2. Fixed an issue where calculating unsynchronized snapshot file size may fail.
  3. Aligned display date and time formats with DSM.
  4. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 7.0.3-0310


What's New for DSM 6.2

  1. Introduces Advanced LUN, a Btrfs-based LUN type that creates and restores snapshots in seconds.
  2. Added the snapshot calculator to provide a graphical representation of storage consumption by snapshots in a given period of time.
  3. Encrypted shared folders now support clone and test failover.

Updated the maximum number of replication tasks

XS/XS Plus series

  • Maximum number of shared folder replication tasks: 64
  • Maximum number of iSCSI LUN replication tasks: 32
  • Maximum total number of replication tasks: 64

Plus series

  • Maximum number of shared folder replication tasks: 32
  • Maximum number of iSCSI LUN replication tasks: 16
  • Maximum total number of replication tasks: 32

Value series

  • Maximum number of shared folder replication tasks: 16
  • Maximum number of iSCSI LUN replication tasks: 8
  • Maximum total number of replication tasks: 16

Improvements & Fixed issues

  1. Increased replication speed when the tasks involve transmitting a large number of small files.
  2. Enhanced usability by adjusting setup procedure and troubleshooting messages.
  3. Fixed an issue where snapshots could not be deleted when the volume was full.
  4. Fixed an issue where local replication might fail after the destination shared folder was renamed.
  5. Fixed an issue where the system might fail to run multiple replication tasks at the same time.
  6. Thai user interface is now available.


  1. Starting from DSM 6.2, the core replication function is centrally managed by a new package, Replication Service. Packages with replication feature, such as Snapshot Replication, must install Replication Service package.

Version: 6.1.2-0173

  1. Enhanced replication stability when multiple replication tasks are running at the same time.
  2. Enhanced the connection between the source and remote servers when both are connected via VPN.
  3. Fixed an issue where replication could not be resumed after an abnormal shutdown.
  4. Fixed an issue where the replication progress was not accurate under certain circumstances.

Version: 6.0.3-0067

  1. Fixed an issue where replication could not be properly terminated.

Version: 6.1.1-0167

  1. Supports replicating "homes" shared folder to remote server.
  2. Fixed an issue where replication could not be properly terminated.

Version: 6.1.0-0160

  1. Thanks to the extended coverage of Btrfs file system, more models will benefit from the advanced data protection of Snapshot Replication.
  2. Better protection for encrypted shared folders. You can now replicate the taken snapshots of encrypted shared folders for a more complete protection.
  3. In addition to a remote destination server, snapshots can now be replicated to a local volume, providing greater flexibility with more copies stored.
  4. Pause/resume is now supported to save time and bandwidth when the connection quality is poor.

Version: 6.0.2-0062

  1. Improved CPU usage after running of a replication task for shared folder.
  2. Fixed an issue where the shared folder on the original destination server may remain read-only after the deletion of replication task.
  3. Enhanced the user experience for cleanup of test failover.
  4. Fixed an issue where the user interface may fail to display properly under certain circumstances.

Version: 6.0.1-0051

  1. Added support for creating a replication task towards Snapshot Replication 6.0-0034.
  2. Added support to act as destination server of a replication task from Snapshot Replication 6.0-0034.
  3. Snapshots can now be named after the time of user's local time zone.
  4. Optimized the CPU utilization.
  5. Moved the "Make snapshot visible" option from Control Panel to Snapshot Replication.
  6. Improved the stability of shared folder replication.
  7. Improved the stability of large iSCSI LUN replication.

Version: 6.0-0034

  1. Added support for creating a replication task towards Snapshot Replication 6.0.1.
  2. Added support to act as destination server of a replication task from Snapshot Replication 6.0.1 (Replication of the shared folder [photo] is supported only when the Photo Station package on the source server is upgraded to 6.5.0 and above).

Version: 6.0-0031

  1. Snapshot Replication is now a stand-alone package. It is previously named as Snapshot & Replication in DSM 6.0 Beta and Data Protection Manager in DSM 5.2.
  2. Shared Folder Snapshot
    • Take a snapshot of shared folders up to every 5 minutes.
    • View snapshot data in all file services or File Station, or by clicking the Previous Versions tab in the Properties dialogue box in File Explorer on Windows PC.
    • Increase the maximum snapshot versions of a shared folder to 1024 for all currently available models (except for DS216+ on which the number is limited to 256).
    • Limit the maximum snapshot versions of all the shared folders to 65536 for all currently available models (except for DS216+ on which the number is limited to 4096).
    • Supports shared folders located on Btrfs volumes.
  3. Shared Folder & LUN Replication
    • Replicate your data in shared folders and iSCSI LUNs from one server to another by taking and sending a snapshot to the remote server.
    • Extend a replication by replicating data from a destination server to another secondary destination server to make multiple copies of your data.
    • Replicate one shared folder or iSCSI LUN to up to 3 destination servers from the same source server.
    • Limit the maximum number of replication tasks to 64.
    • Statistics of transferred size and sync duration are recorded and displayed as a report.
    • Allows administrator users to export the replicated data to external devices, and then deliver and import it to the recovery site, reducing bandwidth usage in your production environment.
    • Provides an overview topology to show how your replicas are stored.
    • Supports port forwarding by customizing address and port of a replication task.
    • Now you can encrypt replication transmission.
    • iSCSI LUN replication can be managed via Synology Snapshot Replication or VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager. (Installing Synology SRA on VMware Site Recovery Manager servers is required.)
    • Only Advanced iSCSI LUNs and shared folders on Btrfs volumes are supported.
  4. Recovery
    • You can perform a failover on shared folders or iSCSI LUNs by making the replicas on the destination server writable when the source server is not healthy.
    • You can perform a test failover to make a clone and run all necessary tests in the event of disaster.
    • You can perform a force failover when the source server is healthy.
    • After performing a failover, you can perform a re-protect action to sync data on two servers again.
    • When performing a re-protect action, you can choose either of the servers to sync data from and choose the new source server for the replication task.