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Release Notes for Synology Drive Client

Synology Drive Client 是 DSM 附加套件 Synology Drive Server 的桌面实用程序,让您可以在集中化的 Synology NAS 与多台客户端计算机之间,同步和共享您拥有的文件或他人与您共享的文件。

Version: 3.5.2-16111




  1. 修正了在卸载 Synology Drive Client 后,Finder 中的按需同步任务文件夹未自动移除的问题。

Version: 3.5.2-16110



  1. 新增支持 RESTful API,让开发者可将文件管理及分享功能整合进工作流,使用私有云储存空间来建立安全、有效率、弹性的自定义解决方案。若要了解详细信息,请参阅 Synology Office Suite API 文件

Version: 3.5.0-16085



  1. 修正一项安全性弱点 (Synology-SA-24:21)。

Version: 3.5.1-16102



  1. 修正一项安全性弱点 (Synology-SA-24:21)。

Version: 3.5.1-16101




  1. 修正了 IPv6 连接包含的「:」字符可能会被误判为网址,导致解析失败的问题。
  2. 修正了用户每次重启客户端应用程序时,文件下载事件会重复显示的问题。
  3. 优化 QuickConnect 在连接失败后自动重新连接的能力。


  1. 修正了在 Windows 64 位版本上执行大规模部署安装可能会失败的问题。


  1. 修正了钉选文件夹使用按需同步时,下载过程可能会出现错误的问题。

Version: 3.5.0-16084




  1. 新增原生支持 Windows 64 位操作系统版本,提供更安全及稳定的文件同步。
  2. 提升在按需同步任务中同步大型文件的稳定性。



  1. 修正了编辑 0 字节的文件可能会导致文件冲突的问题。
  2. 修正了备份状态可能无法正确显示传输速度的问题。
  3. 修正了上传缩略图后,缓存文件无法自动清理而占用储存空间的问题。


  1. 修正了同步任务失败后,可能导致后续的操作无法正常执行的问题。
  2. 修正了 Bundle 文件中的文件名过长可能会导致上传失败的问题。


  1. 修正了文件资源管理器可能会无预警重新整理文件的问题。
  2. 修正了多个文件版本同时存在可能会导致无法下载历史版本或下载版本内容不正确的问题。

Version: 3.4.0-15724



  1. 修正了在 Windows 操作系统同步图片时,可能无法正确显示缩略图的问题。

Version: 3.4.0-15721




  1. 支持自客户端上传至服务器的视频显示缩略图。
  2. 支持用户在 Synology Drive 管理控制台取消连结客户端时,清除来自该客户端的同步文件。
  3. 在有大量任务时,缩短初始化及关闭客户端的时间。
  4. 改善安装向导的设置页面,提供更加简化及直观的初次使用体验。
  5. 支持在筛选日志时,排除因同步限制或自定义规则而未同步的日志。
  6. 支持在建立连接时,自动搜索同网域内邻近的 NAS 设备。


  1. 优化 macOS 设备上的 Synology Drive Client 的耗电量。


  1. 修正了文件因发生冲突而系统自动重命名后,可能会因为文件名太长而导致同步失败的问题。
  2. 修正了其他问题。

Version: 3.3.0-15082



  1. 自下一个版本开始,Windows 7、Ubuntu 18.04 将不再支持软件安装或更新。



  1. 提升备份任务的执行效率。
  2. 提升同步任务含有大量小文件时的同步效率并降低网络使用量。


  1. 更新系统图标使其可根据设备的桌面颜色自动在黑白色之间变更。


  1. 修正了在 macOS 上,按需同步任务可能无法正确同步的问题。
  2. 修正了其他问题。

Version: 3.2.1-13272



  1. 修正了 Windows 版本的 Synology Drive Client 自动更新机制无法正常运行的问题。

Version: 3.2.1-13271




  1. 支持 macOS 上按需同步的“释放使用空间”选项,让您单击即可释放被文件夹中下载文件占用的本地空间。


  1. 修正了在备份任务 > 备份设置 > 连接中,搜索服务器的图示没有响应的问题。
  2. 修正了 macOS 用户重新开启 Synology Drive Client / 重新启动计算机可能会导致按需同步任务的本地同步文件夹消失的问题。
  3. 修正了在 Ubuntu 22.10 上,同步任务的文件状态图标无法正常显示的问题。
  4. 修正其他问题。

Version: 3.2.0-13258



  1. 修正了若用户未建立任何任务,从 Synology Drive Client 3.1 更新至 3.2 版会失败的问题。
  2. 修正了在更新至 macOS 13 后,若有任务使用外接硬盘作为目的地文件夹,Synology Drive Client 将无法初始化的问题。为确保您的同步或备份任务可正常运行,建议您不要使用外接设备作为目的地文件夹。
  3. 修正了用户在 macOS 中无法移除按需同步任务中本地文件标签的问题。
  4. 修正了用户在 macOS 中建立随需同步任务时,点击“完成”按钮可能无响应的问题。
  5. 修正了 Linux 电脑上 Synology Drive Client 不信任有效证书的问题。

Version: 3.2.0-13238



  1. 从此版本开始,macOS 10.13 及 Ubuntu 32 位版本将不再支持软件安装或更新。



  1. 新增支持筛选出未同步文件的日志。


  1. 支持通过 Active Directory Server 来大规模部署 Synology Drive Client。


  1. 同步任务新增支持按需同步功能以保留本地储存空间。仅 macOS 12.3 或以上版本支持此功能。
  2. 在不需安装 Rosetta 2 的情况下,配备 Apple Silicon 的 Mac 机型新增原生支持。
  3. 与 Mac 通知整合以提供原生使用体验。


  1. 修正了在 Mac 及 Linux 系统中,当用户单击备份任务中的备份规则按钮,Synology Drive Client 会异常终止的问题。

Version: 3.2.0-13232



  1. 因为在 Mac 及 Linux 系统中,当用户单击备份任务中的备份规则按钮,Synology Drive Client 会异常终止,为修正此问题,此更新在 2022 年 10 月 26 日下架。此问题已于 3.2.0-13238 版本修正。

Version: 3.1.0-12923



  1. 修正了通过 QuickConnect 连接至服务器时,可能会消耗过多的 CPU 资源,且会降低上传及下载速度的问题。
  2. 修正了备份任务可能会无预警地在 home/Drive 层级下建立一层多余的 “/Drive” 文件夹的问题。
  3. 修正了连接至服务器时,使用非预设的 SSL 证书来连接可能会失败的问题。

Version: 3.1.0-12920



  1. 此为最后一个支持 macOS 10.13 及 Ubuntu 32-bit 的版本。


  1. 支持同步 "home" 文件夹的文件。此功能须连接至 Synology Drive Server 3.1 Beta 或以上版本,并将索引范围转换至整个 "/home" 文件夹。


  1. 修正了应用程序无法在 macOS 10.13 上运行的问题。

Version: 3.0.3-12689



1.修正了在通过 QuickConnect 连接时变更 SSL 证书可能会导致同步失败的问题。 2. 修正了启用 Microsoft Defender 时,同步任务可能会停止的问题。 3. 修正了备份任务可能无法成功完成的问题。 4. 修正了包含子文件夹的同步任务可能无法成功完成的问题。

Version: 3.0.2-12682



  1. 修正了通过按需同步功能来同步大量包含缩略图的文件时,可能导致应用程序闪退的问题。
  2. 修正了多个可能造成文件同步失败的问题。
  3. 修正了因删除或重命名文件而触发防病毒软件,可能导致同步任务失败的问题。
  4. 修正了电脑磁盘空间不足可能导致应用程序闪退的问题。
  5. 修正了其他问题。

Version: 3.0.1-12674



  1. 修正了若在 Synology Drive Client 离线时,从服务器端修改文件内容并重命名文件后,会无法在应用程序重新连接后将该文件同步至本地电脑。
  2. 修正了已启动按需同步模式的同步任务可能造成应用程序无预警关闭的问题。
  3. 修正了若在 Synology Drive Client 离线时,从服务器端重命名文件并修改文件内容后,已启用按需同步的文件可能无法正常开启的问题。

Version: 3.0.1-12667



  1. 修正若透过 Synology Drive Client 上传档案并于中途暂停后再次恢复上传,会导致无法移除暂存档的问题。
  2. 修正下载含有档案的资料夹时,可能会造成与伺服器同步失败的问题。
  3. 修正重新同步曾被同步规则过滤掉的资料夹时,可能会造成同步失败的问题。

Version: 3.0.1-12664



  1. 此更新修正 Synology Drive 3.0 的问题:从 Drive 2.0 更新至最新版本时,若开启随需同步模式,可能会误删档案。


  1. 更新套件以支援 DSM 7.0。
  2. 此版本将不再支援连线至 Cloud Station Server,因此已连线的 Cloud Station Server 必须升级至最新版本的 Synology Drive Server 以确保相容性。


  1. 支援显示共用资料夹中个人空间配额的使用量。
  2. 改善在 Windows 备份时,检查磁碟阴影复制服务路径的机制,以符合更高的安全层级。
  3. 改善在 Synology NAS 上重新命名档案或资料夹时,同步到 Synology Drive Client 的效能。
  4. 改善初始教学以引导使用者。
  5. 简化设定流程以提升使用者体验,包含将「与我共用」设定移至任务列表的「编辑连线」按钮。

Version: 3.0.0-12663



此版本已由 Synology Drive 3.0.1 取代,以修正从 Drive 2.0 更新至 Drive 3.0 时,若开启随需同步模式,可能会误删档案的问题。

Version: 2.0.4-11112



  1. 修正在随需同步模式下,若档案的修改时间有更新,可能会无法成功从伺服器删除该档案的问题。
  2. 修正当使用者更换凭证并再次透过 QuickConnect 连线时,可能会造成 SSL 凭证不受信任的问题。
  3. 修正在删除已启动随需同步的同步任务时,若使用者同时退出应用程式,可能会导致删除失败的问题。
  4. 修正在 macOS 10.15 或以上版本中,选单列图示可能会显示不正确的问题。
  5. 修正在「编辑连线」视窗中使用搜寻图示进行搜寻时,填入的伺服器位址可能会不正确的问题。
  6. 修正「公开连结」视窗中的日历显示问题。

Version: 2.0.3-11102


Bug Fixed

  1. Fixed the issue where Synology Drive Client might fail to launch on macOS 11.
  2. Fixed the issue where Synology Drive Client might quit unexpectedly on macOS when the computer wakes up from sleep mode.
  3. Fixed the issue where synchronization might fail when the number of files to synchronize exceeds 100,000.
  4. Fixed the issue where Synology Drive Client must be relaunched to apply changes made to the backup folder's settings.

Version: 2.0.2-11078


Bug fixed

  1. Fixed the issue where files might be rescanned every time Synology Drive Client is launched.
  2. Fixed the issue where backup tasks might be erased when upgrading from Cloud Station Drive and Cloud Station Backup to Synology Drive Client simultaneously.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 2.0.2-11076


Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where connection to Synology Drive Server might fail if the server does not correctly recognize the IP address.
  2. Fixed the issue where Synology Drive Client might not function properly if the user's home directory file path is renamed on the local computer.
  3. Fixed the issue where Synology Drive Client might not function properly if the user's home directory file path is renamed on the local computer.
  4. Fixed the issue where continuously modifying files within a short period might cause the package to quit unexpectedly.
  5. Fixed the issue where syncing tasks might freeze when syncing files with preview-only permission.
  6. Fixed the issue where file tags on macOS might not be synced when version control for these files is not enabled.
  7. Fixed the issue where renaming files might fail if there are file conflicts on the Windows system.
  8. Fixed the issue where establishing backup tasks under unstable connection might result in a Synology Drive Server version outdated error message.
  9. Fixed the issue where installing incompatible versions of OpenSSL from other applications on macOS might cause the package to quit unexpectedly.
  10. Fixed the issue where Synology Office files might not be synced to the latest version under On-demand Sync mode if they are moved during syncing.
  11. Fixed the issue where copying and pasting Synology Office files under On-demand Sync mode might cause sync tasks to freeze.
  12. Fixed a security vulnerability.
  13. Fixed the issue where deleting files right after creating them might fail in macOS.
  14. Fixed the issue where Microsoft Excel temp files might be synced to the server.

Version: 2.0.1-11061


Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where Synology Drive folder shortcuts on the left panel in File Explorer might be duplicated after upgrading to 2.0 version and enabling On-demand Sync.
  2. Fixed the issue where continuous file modifications within a short period of time might cause synchronization failure.
  3. Fixed the issue where upgrading from Cloud Station might fail if the application was improperly shut down on Linux.
  4. Fixed the issue where shared folder without versioning might cause synchronization failure.
  5. Fixed the issue where scheduled backup tasks continue to run after designated end time.
  6. Fixed the issue where backing up large files might cause incomplete file backup.
  7. Fixed the issue where saving Microsoft Excel files might create temp files when On-demand Sync is enabled.

Version: 2.0.0-11050


Compatibility & Installation

  1. Synology Drive Client 2.0 will be gradually rolling out to global users.
  2. After installing Synology Drive Client 2.0 , Cloud Station Drive and/or Cloud Station Backup will be replaced and safely migrated to Synology Drive Client. (Learn more)

What’s New

  1. Aligned display date and time formats with device system setting.
  2. Added support for Thai interface.

Below new features requires Synology Drive Server 2.0 or above:

  1. Synology Drive Client now comes with brand new computer backup function and supports continuous, manual, and scheduled modes. Built-in restore window allows for granular file recovery to version at certain point of time.
  2. Added On-demand Sync on Windows 10 platform to effortlessly browse files and download files only when needed. (Learn more)
  3. Supports disallowing the downloading and copying of files and their contents when users share files.
  4. Supports granular permission roles for file collaboration.
  5. Supports “Get link” option for synced files.

Version: 1.1.4-10580

  1. Optimized compatibility with macOS 64-bit architecture.
  2. Added support to automatically adjust date and time format according to the device’s operating system settings.
  3. Fixed an issue where the file path of the synced file might be incorrect on Windows platforms.
  4. Fixed an issue where using category filter in Logs might cause inaccurate search results.
  5. Fixed an issue where the application might crash when syncing icns files on macOS platforms.
  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.3-10570


Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.2-10562

  1. Supports 64-bit macOS client requiring macOS 10.11 and onward.

  2. Fixed an issue where syncing a large number of files might cause a client to crash.

  3. Fixed an issue where synchronization tasks might loop after renaming a large number of files when shutting down the application.

  4. Fixed an issue where synchronization tasks might loop when synced folders contain an empty .lnk file or a .lnk file linking to a large number of files.

  5. Fixed an issue where synchronization tasks might fail to run after adjusting/enabling/disabling the file filter.

  6. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.1.1-10551

  1. Fixed an issue where directories might not be able to be deleted after setting selective synchronization rules.

  2. Fixed an issue where restarting an application might take too much time after filtering a large number of files in a selective synchronization task.

  3. Fixed an issue where synchronization might loop after shutting down service and renaming or moving folders with a large number of files at the same time.

  4. Fixed an issue where an application might crash after moving files to the folder set for sub-folder synchronization task.

Version: 1.1.0-10544


What’s new

  1. Enhanced the performance of transferring modified data. 

The following feature requires Drive 1.1.0 and above versions:

  1. Supports advanced protection links to add password and validity period for public file sharing.

Fixed issues

  1. Fixed an issue where user might need to manually reconnect the application to the server when its SSL certificate is renewed.

  2. Fixed an issue where application may crash when the signature file is larger than memory size.

  3. Fixed an issue where synchronization task might be looping.

  4. Fixed an issue where continuous file modifications on Mac device might cause synchronization failure and client crash.

  5. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.0.3-10281

  1. Fixed an issue where continuous file modifications on Mac device might cause synchronization failure and client crash.
  2. Fixed an issue where synchronization task might be looping.
  3. Fixed an issue where filtering large number of files might cause synchronization tasks to fail.
  4. Fixed an issue where synchronization tasks set in shared folders with ACL read-only permission might fail to upload files to the server.
  5. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.0.2-10275

  1. Fixed an issue where files might fail to be deleted on the client side.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.0.1-10253

  • Fixed an issue where syncing large numbers of files from the Drive server might cause high CPU usage.
  • Fixed an issue where file sharing links might fail to be created on macOS devices when the system language is Czech.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.0.0-10240

  • Supports syncing files and folders between PCs and Synology Drive.
  • Supports selectively syncing files and folders in My Drive, Team Folders and Shared with me.
  • Supports desktop notifications and in-app browsing of file sharing and comments insertion history.
  • Supports creating sharing links with configurable permission settings.
  • Supports multiple sync modes: one-way upload, one-way download and bi-directional sync.


When Cloud Station Drive is upgraded to Drive, existing files and folders will not be synced again. However, the system might need some time to reindex the database.