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Synology Bee 系列

Release Notes for Synology 应用程序服务

Synology 应用程序服务提供的架构可丰富 Synology 套件的各项功能和服务,包括推送通知和配置文件设置。凭借 Synology 应用程序服务功能,不同的套件之间就可共享一致的配置文件。

Version: 1.7.0-0459



  1. 此套件更新預計在數日內發佈至所有地區,各地區實際發佈時間可能略有不同。


  1. 更新至 Node.js v12。


  1. 支援在活動詳細資訊中顯示活動建立者。
  2. 支援停用活動地點的雲端地圖服務。


  1. 修正可能無法從 Google 日曆匯入日曆的問題。
  2. 修正多項安全性問題。
  3. 修正一項關於 DAViCal 的安全性問題 (CVE-2019-18345)。

Version: 1.6.2-0431


Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed the issue where backing up via Hyper Backup might not work properly if the account name contains non-ASCII characters.

Version: 1.6.1-0424


Fixed Issues

  1. Adjusted the notification mechanism to comply with the latest Gmail API.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.6.0-0416

  1. Synology Application Service 1.6.0 can be installed only on Synology NAS running DSM 6.1 and above.

  2. Enhanced push notification service.

  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.5.4-0320

  1. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities (Synology-SA-18:40).

Version: 1.5.3-0319

  1. Thai user interface is now available.
  2. Fixed an issue where sending shared file links via emails in Synology Drive might fail.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.5.2-0316

  1. Updated Synology's terms and conditions for EU data privacy compliance.
  2. Fixed an issue where opening Synology Moments might fail due to the profile check mechanism in Synology Application Service. 
  3. Minor bug fixes.    

Version: 1.5.1-0312

  1. Fixed an issue where Synology Application Service package might fail to operate after DSM is migrated.
  2. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.5.0-0309

  1. Supports creating a bot for Synology Calendar on Chat to receive event invitations and notifications (Calendar and Chat need to be installed on the same Synology NAS).
  2. Enhanced App Launcher to fully support all the login methods provided by Application Portal.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.4.2-0208

  1. Supports displaying information regarding the currently used browsers in paired device list.
  2. Fixed an issue where Synology Application Service might not work on DSM 6.0.3.
  3. Fixed an issue where Synology Office might not appear in App Launcher.
  4. Fixed an issue where push notifications might not show up after login accounts were changed on the same device.
  5. Fixed an issue where time zone value might be erased after Hyper Backup restored Synology Application Service.

Version: 1.4.1-0163

  1. Supports automatic synchronization of users’ email addresses on DSM or LDAP/domain system.
  2. Enhanced the usability for registering Chat’s guest accounts on mobile devices.
  3. Fixed an issue where notifications may still be sent to Chat users who have been disabled.
  4. Fixed an issue where notifications still remained even though Calendar and its database have been respectively uninstalled and removed.
  5. Fixed specific display errors on user interface.
  6. Minor bug fixes.  

Version: 1.4.0-0123

  1. Supports creating guest accounts for external users in Chat.
  2. Encrypts Chat messages before sending them to third-party push notification servers.
  3. Fixed an issue where Synology Application Service could not run on certain Synology NAS models.
  4. Fixed an issue where long push notifications might not display properly.
  5. Fixed an issue where editing the profile in Chat might fail when a user logged in with a username already taken by a deleted LDAP account.
  6. Fixed an issue where restoring Chat backup data with Hyper Backup on DSM 6.1 might cause Chat profile pictures to be lost.
  7. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.3.3-0062

  1. Fixed a security vulnerability regarding PHPMailer: CVE-2016-10033.
  2. Supports profile photos in PNG format.
  3. Minor bug fixes.

Version: 1.3.2-0054


Compatibility and Installation

  1. Synology Application Service 1.3.2 can be installed only on Synology NAS running DSM 6.0.2 and above.

Fixed Issues

  1. Fixed an issue where packages will not appear in App Launcher when logging in via customized alias.
  2. Fixed an issue where the email addresses in Control Panel > Users may fail to synchronize with Synology Application Service.
  3. Fixed an issue where Calendar invitations may fail to be delivered after the LDAP username is renamed.

Version: 1.3.0-0049


  • 修正 Apparmor 可能触发错误讯息。

  • Version: 1.3.0-0048



    1. Synology 应用程序服务 1.3.0-00XX 仅可安装于搭载 DSM 6.0.2 或更新版本的 Synology 产品上。


    1. 在 Chat、Calendar、MailPlus 及 Office 中支持应用程序启动器,无需浏览至 DSM 即可开启套件。
    2. 支持 Hyper Backup,以备份使用者个人资料及设定。
    3. 支持 Chrome 及 Safari 浏览器推播通知。

    Version: 1.1.1-0032



    1. 修正无法从套件中心卸载 Synology 应用程序服务的问题。
    2. 修正与 Download Station 的兼容性问题。

    Version: 1.1.0-0030



    1. 提升讯息通知的处理效能。
    1. 修正同时寄送大量电子邮件时,MailPlus 通知功能可能会失败的问题。

    Version: 1.0.0-0022



    1. 全新服务支持 MailPlus 行动装置推播通知。